McDonald's-France |
McDonald's-America |
One of the first times i experienced culture shock was when i went to Europe about 6 years ago. The first stop was France. Since the time difference was very large after arriving at the airport in France hunger followed the long trip. So one of the first things we did was go to get food. When we received our first taste of french cuisine something struck me that this was not quite what my fellow travelers and i expected. It was a much smaller portion than what we were used to at home. In France, their portions were much smaller depending on the time of day you are eating.Unfortunately we did not arrive at lunchtime, which is when most of the food for the day is consumed. It is amazing to see the differences between the way and types of food Americans eat compared to Europeans. In America the most common slogan is "super-size" it at McDonald's but the McDonald's in Europe had different items that i didn't see come out in America until a few years later. This leads me to believe that America is very behind in changing the style of eating compared to other evolving countries. Certain foods in America are much more unhealthier and there becomes a problem when health risks are involved. It is evident that America has a large problem with obesity that many countries; such as France which may not experience the same effect of this epidemic. I always knew that in some way the portions of food were smaller in some other cultures but as they say you cant believe until you see it!